The Ragnarok will undergo a server merge on February 25, 2025, from 15:00 to 17:00 (GMT+7) and February 26, 2025, from 15:00 to 17:00 (GMT+7).

Server Merge Conditions

1. Character and Guild Deletion

1.1 Characters with a level of 30 or below, who have never made any purchases, have no remaining diamonds, and have not logged in for the past 7 days will be deleted.

1.2 Guilds with a level of 3 or below and no members logging in for the past 7 days will be deleted.

2. Character Deletion

2.1 When a character is deleted, all related data, such as the auction house, mail, guild membership, friends, and enemies, will also be removed.

2.2 If the deleted character is a guild leader, the leadership will be transferred to the player with the most recent login and the highest combat power.

2.3 The ranking board will be reset and updated again according to the scheduled refresh cycle.

3. Data merging

3.1 After the server merge, data from different servers will be combined, and the server opening time will be based on the earliest launched server.

3.2 If character names are duplicated, the system will retain the name of the character that was created first based on the server order. Other characters will have a number appended to their name, starting from 1 and increasing sequentially.

3.3 If guild names are duplicated, the system will retain the name of the guild with the highest number of members. If multiple guilds have the same name, one will be randomly selected, while the remaining guilds will have a number appended to their name, starting from 1 and increasing sequentially.

3.4 After the server merge, all guild territory data will be reset, and guilds will need to reclaim their territories.

4. Server Login

4.1 After the server merge, the original server entry points will remain, allowing players to access the merged server through the same entry.

4.2 When logging into the game through different server entry points, only the character data from that specific server will be displayed. If a player has characters on both merged servers, they will not be shown simultaneously.

Server Merge Rewards

Server Merge Rewards will be sent to all players from the servers involved in the merge.

If the merged sub server was launched later than the main server, additional rewards will be given based on the number of days it was opened later.

Example: Servers Payon 9 and Payon 10 were launched on November 15 and November 18, respectively. Since Payon 10 was launched 3 days later, it will receive 4 times the server merge rewards.

*Warning: Before claiming Valkyrie Blessing, please ensure that you can receive all Valkyrie Blessing points. If you claim the reward but cannot receive all points, the Valkyrie Blessing you intended to claim will be lost

Example: When you claim 800 points, the system will not be able to add them because the total would exceed 1000 points.

Result: The 800 points will be lost entirely since the system cannot store more than 1000 points.

The team reserves the right not to be held responsible if a player claims Valkyrie Blessing points beyond the set limit, resulting in the loss of points.

Official Server Launch Date

Cross-Server Event

Cross-server battle events will be categorized as follows:

Channels to Follow for Game News and Updates The Ragnarok

[Official Facebook Fan page : The Ragnarok EN]

[Official Website : The Ragnarok]

[Official Discord : The Ragnarok]